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GUI Beans Suite
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New!  JBC Gui BEANS SUITE - Written entirely in the JavaTM programming language.

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JbcBevelText : with this bean, a developer may create raised or lowered bevel texts. It may be used to adorn dialog boxes, create splash screens, generaly titles.


JbcCircularSlider : this slider is rotating. It looks like an amplifier button. It may be used to increase or reduce sound volume for a multimedia application, or used with applications that require angle data. It may also offer a simple way for indicating a direction such as North, South, East...

If bound to hardware equipment (such as an amplifier, a sound card), this slider may be secured to avoid that user changes value too quickly. The sizes of tracker and associated minibuttons, the arbitrary position of zero, as well as the maximum value accepted by the slider, may be customized, in accordance with the developer's choice.


JbcMetallicPushButton : this bean is a push button allowing to create nice, metallic, elliptic or circular buttons. Its functionalities are identical to a normal push button. It may be usefully used for multimedia applications, or any application or applet that should be carefully done.


JbcMetallicToggleButton : this bean is a toggle button allowing to create nice, metallic, elliptic or circular buttons. Its functionalities are identical to a normal toggle button. It may be usefully used for multimedia applications, or any application or applet that should be carefully done.


JbcProgressBar : this bean is a progress bar allowing to create nice progress bars. Its functionalities are identical to a normal progress bar. It may be usefully used for multimedia applications, or any application or applet that should be carefully done.


JbcSpinButton : this spin button handles integers. It allows applications to get numbers whose values are certified as minimum and maximum.

JbcLongSpinButton : this spin button handles long integers.


JbcStringSpinButton : this spin button handles strings.


JbcNeedleIndicator : A component that lets the user graphically show a value within a bounded interval. The NeedleGauge can show both major tick marks and minor tick marks between them. The number of values between the tick marks is controlled with setMajorTickSpacing and setMinorTickSpacing.


JbcNeedleGauge : A component that lets the user graphically show a value within a bounded interval. The NeedleGauge can show both major tick marks and minor tick marks between them. The number of values between the tick marks is controlled with setMajorTickSpacing and setMinorTickSpacing.


JbcDateTimeChooser : with this bean, the user may choose a date and or time in a user-friendly environment.


JbcClock : this clock is a graphic object that may be used at the developer's convenience.


JbcMenuLookAndFeelChooser : this bean is inherited from a JavaTM standard JMenu. It handles management of Look and Feel, as well as the list of Look and Feel available on the computer at runtime. It releaves the developer of the management of the Look and Feel menu and of associated settings. This menu may be added to a menu bar or to a popup menu.


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